Josie Wood

Newborn Baby Specialist

Lactation Consultant

My current roles include:


Community Midwife Team 


Infant Feeding Team


Breastfeeding Counsellor


Antenatal Teacher


Lactation Consultant

My work over the last 20 years has helped me to realise the huge impact that birth and the first few weeks of parenthood have on both parents and their children. This can be positive and negative, depending on how the parents are supported at the time and has the potential to deeply affect their lives - now and into the future. 

As part of a Community Midwife Team I see parents in the very early days when they have so many questions: 

I could work with you by:

"It has been nearly 4 years since I saw you but I just wanted to say thank you again! I managed to feed my son for 2 years and have since had a daughter who I also breastfed.  I will never forget the support and encouragement you gave me whilst I was struggling as a new mum" - Gemma

"Thank you very much for your time today. Just having someone saying I am doing OK has given me the confidence to keep going" - Katie

"I was very close to giving up on Monday, before you came, so thank you so much for the help. I now feel so much more positive that things will get better" - Saida

Please do contact me on the email below for a chat about how I might be able to help you. I charge £100 for a 2 hour consultation in your home (SW London)

Qualifications: IBCLC (Lactation Consultant), MA (Oxon), DipHE (Beds), UnivDip (Worcs), Birth & Postnatal Doula, Yoga for Pregnancy